Blank Slate Doll pattern

I wrote this pattern quite some time ago, when I had a Yarnigans blog on Vox.  I stopped updating the blog, and then a few months later, Vox was taken down.  I kept the pattern up as a ravelry download, but lost the pattern for the dress.  I always figured if I started another blog, I could put the pattern back up-- so here she is.

Blank Slate Doll Pattern

The Blank Slate doll is worked on 4 or 5 US#3 dpns. I used plain old kitchen cotton for the skin but any yarn could be used, as long as you adjust your needle size accordingly. Gauge is not important, but you want to create a fairly tight fabric so that stuffing won't leak out. You can knit the entire body in one color and
then clothe her later, or you can change colors throughout to knit her a bodysuit, underwear, socks, shoes, etc.
WARNING: The legs on this doll are VERY fiddly, because I wanted her to have real looking feet and leg shape. They are easy enough to do, but they are a PAIN in the BUTT. I feel confident you can do them, but I do not feel confident that you won't hate me afterwards. Now you can't say I didn't warn you!

1 ball kitchen cotton yarn in natural
1 set of 5 double pointed needles in size US 3 or 4
Yarn needle
Polyester fiberfill for stuffing
Black embroidery floss for eyes
Contrasting color worsted weight yarn for hair

Head and torso:
CO 4.
Row 1: Kfb around, arranging evenly over 4 dpns (8 st total)
Row 2: [K1, kfb] around (12 st)
Row 3: [K2, kfb] around (16 st)
Row 4: [K3, kfb] around (20 st)
Row 5: [k4, kfb] around (24 st)
Row 6: [K5, kfb] around (28 st)
Row 7: Knit
Row 8: [K6, kfb] around (32 st)
Rows 9-24: Knit
Row 25: [K6, k2tog] around (28 st)
Row 26: [K5, k2tog] around. Stuff head (24 st)
Row 27: [K1, k2tog] around (16 st)
Row 28: K2tog around (8 st)
Rows 29-31: Knit
Row 32: [Kfb] twice, k2, [kfb] twice, k2 (12 st)
Row 33: [Kfb, k2] 4 times (16 st)
Row 34: Kfb, k4, kfb, k2, kfb, k4, kfb, k2 (20 st)
You're going to have 2 needles that have 8 stitches on them (the front and back) and 2 needles
that have 2 stitches on them (the shoulders). Stuff the neck firmly to prevent the head from
being droopy.
Rows 35-55: Knit, making sure that you end on a needle that has 2 stitches (your next row will
start on a needle that has 8 stitches).
Row 56: K2tog, k4, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k2 (16 st)
Row 57: [K2tog, k2] 4 times. Stuff torso (12 st)
Row 58: K2tog around (6 st)
Cut yarn and thread through remaining stitches. Pull tight to close opening and weave in ends.

Arms (make 2):
CO 4.
Row 1: Kfb around, arranging evenly over 3 or 4 dpns (Your choice. These arms are so tiny I
find it easier to work with as few needles as possible)
Row 2: K3, kfb, k3, kfb (10 st)
Row 3-6: Knit
Row 7: K3, k2tog, k3, k2tog. Stuff hands (8 st)
Rows 8-32: Knit. Stuff arm if desired (I usually leave them unstuffed).
Row 33: K2tog around (4 st)
Cut yarn and thread through remaining stitches. Pull tight to close opening and weave in ends.

Legs (make 2):
CO 3.
Row 1: Kfb around, arranging evenly over 3 or 4 dpns.
Row 2: [K2, kfb] twice (8 st)
Rows 3-9: Knit
K4, w&T, p4, w&t.
K3, w&t, p2, w&t.
K1, w&t, w&t again.
You should end up at the heel of the foot.
Knit 13 rounds even, ending at the back of the leg.
Kfb, K7.
K 3 rounds.
Kfb, k8.w
K 6 rounds.
K4, kfb, k4, kfb.
K 4 rounds.
K5, kfb, k5, kfb.
K 10 rounds.
Bind off.

Sew arms to shoulders and legs to torso. Embroider on eyes with black thread.
To embroider on nose, find spot on face where you would like to place it. Thread a yarn
needle with a length (8 inches or so) of yarn used for skin. Wrap the yarn around 2 stitches
vertically where you want the nose over and over again until the nose is the desired size. See
picture for more info.

To add hair, cut the yarn wanted for hair color into pieces slightly longer  than twice the length of the desired hair length. Using a crochet hook, thread each piece through a stitch on the head and pull so that each half is even. Tie with a knot. Trim hair when finished to make it
even. See pictures for more info. Tip: To make curly hair, use yarn from a frogged project!

Sew or knit clothes for your doll.


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